Game Scoreboard
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Main Roster
Poglej vse igralcePoložaj | Igralec | Položaj | Height | Weight |
1 | Nick Rodgers | Goalkeeper | 6'6'' | 205 lbs |
2 | Griffin Peterson | 2nd Center | 6'8" | 217 lbs |
3 | Spike Arrowhead | Midfielder | 5'5'' | 180 lbs |
4 | Brian Kingster | Midfielder | 5'2'' | 186 lbs |
5 | Mark Ironson | Defender | 6'1'' | 189 lbs |
6 | Thomas Black | Defender | 5'88'' | 194 lbs |
7 | Marian Diamond | 1st Small Forward | 6'10" | 234 lbs |
8 | Christofer Grass | Midfielder | 5'6'' | 176 lbs |
9 | Jake Dogmich | 2nd Point Guard | 6'10" | 213 lbs |
10 | Franklin Stevens | Goalkeeper | 5'9'' | 196 lbs |
Team Stats
Our Awards
Trenerji na olimpijskih igrah
Zanimivosti na olimpijskih igrah pri ženskah
Najuspešnejši trenerji ženskih ekip Guy Baker je edini trener v zgodovini ženskega vaterpola, ki je osvojil tri olimpijske medalje z ZDA in to zapored. Leta 2000 in 2008 so vaterpolistke osvojile srebro, leta 2004 pa bron. Adam Krikorian je prav tako z ZDA osvojil dve zlati olimpijski medalji (2012 in 2016). Najuspešnejša vratarka Yang Jun...
Zanimivosti na olimpijskih igrah pri ženskah
Games Schedule
Datum | Dogodek | Čas/Rezultat | Prizorišče |
Goals History
Primary League
Poglej celotno lestvicoPoz | Ekipa | W | D | L | Pts |
1 | Alchemists | 4 | 1 | 0 | 13 |
2 | Clovers | 1 | 0 | 1 | 3 |
3 | Ocean Kings | 1 | 0 | 0 | 3 |
4 | Alchemists | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
5 | Bloody Wave | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
6 | Bloody Wave | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
7 | Draconians | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
8 | Draconians | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Team Leaders
Goals | T | GP | AVG |
Brian KingsterMidfielder |
5 |
Thomas BlackDefender |
5 |
Franklin StevensGoalkeeper |
5 |
David HawkinsForward |
5 |
Assists | T | GP | AVG |
Brian KingsterMidfielder |
5 |
Thomas BlackDefender |
5 |
Latest Results
Poglej vse dogodkeTeam Newslog
Mark Johnson has a tibia fracture and he’s gonna be out of the play for 2 months.September 18, 2016
Dominick R. Blink, a new Shooting Guard from San Francisco has joined the team!September 6, 2016
Christopher Grifin, a new Power Forward from Rockstar Bay College has joined the team!.August 17, 2016
Thomas Durry has a composed hand fracture and he won’t be playing untill September.August 17, 2016
Jeremy Rittersen left the team after 2 year in the club and his new house are the Clovers.August 12, 2016
Thomas Black, a new Defender from East Bay Institute has joined the team!July 17, 2016